Monday, November 16, 2020

I'm back

Sudah 2020.

Kembali ke sini.

Sebab PakYa rekemen utk berjurnal.

Mula2 lepas baca artikel forbes ni ada rasa sikit.

Then lepas tengok video interview dia terus bersemangat.

Here we go.

Let's see if Patrick is right :p


How to be a better muslim?
1. Full solat.
2. Quran once a week.
3. Puasa once a week.
4. Zakat saham once a month.
5. Sedekah subuh.

How to be healthier?
1. Fix gastric: sleep early, less spicy, no milk, no coffee.
2. Fix cholestrol: less grease, less sugar, less rice, more vegi, more water, more oat, more supplement.
3. Fix overweight: exercise, plank 1min, gardening once a week.

How to be a better husband?
1. Nafkah tempat tinggal, rumah, pakaian.
2. Always basuh pinggan.
3. Small gift to wife once a month.
4. Sedekah subuh.

How to be a better father?
1. Buat chores sama2 dgn anak.
2. Reward anak.
3. Ajar iqra/hafazan.
4. Mandi kolam once a week.
5. Pantau kerja sekolah.

How to be better son?
1. Call mak ayah once a week.
2. Sedekah subuh.
3. Visit once a month.
4. Family trip.

How to be a better brother?
1. Call once a week.
2. Sedekah subuh.
3. Belanja makan.

How to be a better employee?
1. Finish assignment early.
2. Study more.
3. Advice boss more.
4. Be punctual.

How to achieve 1 million?
1. 6 months saving (60k): HelloGold, Raiz, Wahed, junkyard sale.
2. Find side income: 1st saham, 2nd?
3. Promote wife biz.

How to improve side income (saham)?
1. Watch more webinars.
2. Read Pakya books list.
3. Refresh the telegram groups.
4. Follow FB live.
5. Go through notes in

1. Positive comment in FB.
2. Try to hang out.
3. Belanja makan.
4. Support biz.

1. Watch fav korea shows.
2. Watch movie with family.
3. Play mobile games.

1. FB: Share something useful, fight for a cause.

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Surah Ar-Ra’d (13 : Ayat 28 )

  Mengingati Allah Hati Menjadi Tenang Surah 13 Ayat 28 dalam Al Quran: Banyak Zikir, Hidup Tenang