Saturday, August 23, 2008

A year of inactive blogging.

It has been nearly a year since i post here, and i don't even know why. It's like time just passed me by with the speed of an ICE that i dearly missed. Heck even my last post was in August 2007.

Maybe i lost interest in blogging. Or maybe i just found someone, someone special, who's not into computer games, just like everyone else I've met in my life, except that one which i finally persuaded to play
WoW *heh*.

Maybe i just use one of my bots to generate a lazy blogger post for u guys:

OMG! I just had a cup of tea and realised I have not updated this since Paris Hilton was in jail... You would not believe the amount of people that are totally stalking me. But I'm sorry you'll just have to take my word for it..

I am totally and utterly flat out with setting fire to people wearing Crocs, selling my soul to Google, just generally being a biatch to the bodyguards of the blogger I am stalking, my day drifts aimlessly from when the nightclubs close to I see my darling's 10000 text messages. I am convinced that I absolutely deserve this after all my hard work. life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

I will try to remember I promised you I will write something that makes sense soon. No, really! What do you mean you don't believe me?.


Anonymous said...

I promise I will be an avid reader/commenter of this blog if you promise to UPDATE!


*saje je nak tambah reading sources kat opis ni*

*psstt dont ever tell my boss*

Anonymous said...

hahah endlich ada jugak new post

Surah Ar-Ra’d (13 : Ayat 28 )

  Mengingati Allah Hati Menjadi Tenang Surah 13 Ayat 28 dalam Al Quran: Banyak Zikir, Hidup Tenang