Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lina Joy aka Azlina Jailani

This high class lawsuit of a convert made it to Yahoo again. *sigh*.

This lawsuit is basically challenging the country's constitution, but the malays are more worried about their rights (Hak-hak Orang Melayu).In my opinion,they should just change it to Muslim's Right (Hak-hak Orang Islam).Just think about the benefits.Flocks of citizen would happily convert into Islam,just to sip a tiny weeny drops of national benefits,which was previously given only to the malays.Maybe the flood that hit the country is a sign from above.

August 13

For Islamic scholars, Joy cannot win.

Source: Yahoo News Singapore

January 11

"We see this as something which is unacceptable, something which is a threat to the socio-religious harmony of the country."said Yusri Mohammed, the president of the influential Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia.

Source: Yahoo News Asia

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