Monday, June 19, 2006


Try it:

I got:

You are 22.22% jealous!
For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%.
520072 people have taken this test to date.

This percentage means that :
•You have very few jealous traits.
•You rarely over-react and have a handle on the severity of situations.
•Whatever jealous attributes you do have will not present a problem in relationships, and will sometimes help.

Muahaha.Guess i'm cured :-p

Now here's another fun fact:

How computer addicted are you?

You are 46% addicted.
You are more addicted than 33% of other users

You're addicted, but there's still hope. Instead of looking at a wallpaper background of a sunny blue sky, you still might have enough energy to use those legs and take a few steps to go outside! Your computer is one of your best friends by default, since you spend almost as much time with it as you do your flesh-and-blood frie nds. Despite all the hours you log in, your friends and family manage to peel you off your computer chair once in a while.

i got it from:

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Surah Ar-Ra’d (13 : Ayat 28 )

  Mengingati Allah Hati Menjadi Tenang Surah 13 Ayat 28 dalam Al Quran: Banyak Zikir, Hidup Tenang