Computer expert Maxwell Parsons beat banking security systems by bugging cash machines with portable music players. He secretly attached portable MP3 players at the back of freestanding ATMs so he could illegally tap into telephone lines used by customers during transactions. As bank details and pin numbers were punched in, data was recorded onto Parsons' MP3 players.
The fraudsters then used specialised software from the Ukraine or Canada to translate the stolen data into a readable format. Using other technology, Parsons was able to use the data to re-encode and clone a number of cards.
A similar fraud had been carried out in Malaysia by other conmen which was said to have crippled the country's banking system.
raya thn ni semcm la.asal sume org leh x tgk pengumumam raya kt sume org dh tau raya bile.mcm sume org ada 6th sense + superhuman eyes leh zoom langit dr celah lobang dinding jamban tgk anak bulan ada ke sbb aku dh lama sgt x raya kt msia.huhu.
oh thn ni 5 org wish birthday.a new record!!!siap ada email dr tu.
Hello Granduke,
We at would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
huhu.seb baik bln pose.kalau tak sure dh cranky manky ni.*wooosha* argh mana la peginye komputer aku.huhu.tolongla sesape yg ada info.dh puas dh rasanya contact sume org.200eu 4 sure dh burn.*woosha*
xpela.dh qada' qadar.nk wat camne kn.sometimes wonder la jgk, nape sesetengah manusia tu fight for his right, whatever it is.sesetengah yg lain lak pessimis like terima je qada' cancer.patot ke pesakit cancer tu terima je nasib dia, or adakah usaha dia melawan cancer tu spt menentang qada' qadar.ish mcm hidup illyanna yg mcm soap opera penuh ngan dilemma tu kn?ahaks.wallahualam.
okla nk gerak.semoga mlm ini x jem mcm cipan.gerak 150m in 2hrs?in rural area like tg karang?argh wt4uck.*woosha*.sabor jele.
such a lonely day.and it's mine.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.should be's a day that I can't stand.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.shouldn't's a day that I'll never miss.such a lonely day.and it's mine.the most loneliest day of my life.and if you go.i wanna go with you.and if you die.i wanna die with you.take your hand.and walk away.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.and it's's a day that I'm glad I survived.
when every single being on earth call u abang,u know ur growing that more more naruto,or shinchan *sob sob*.
me : bang,bas 212 dah lepas ke? bus driver : oh ada kat blakang nu bang...
me : td bayar bape inggit ek? parking boy : oh abang bayar lebey singgit td......
me : midvalley pegi balik ek. cashier : ada 20 sen bang?
hawker : nasi putih ke nasi lemak bang? me : *me want nasi remaja muda mudi sob sob sob*
housemate : abg shahril,pau megi satu ek... me : *waarrrrrgh....*
me : *sitting n holding harian metro titled mawi dan ina blabla* aweks2 standing n gossiping in commuter : ...nk pinjam paper xleh..kang pinjam abang tu lain lak jadi nye...
huhu me want sushi again.where art thou?
btw congrats to all who just got married.including khairul.hepi honeymoon guys.
It's been a great few weeks for me. What started off as a joke turned into a connection with so many people. After 4 weeks of going viral across the internet I've just signed a contract with a TV production company, and as a result, there can be no more MadV on YouTube.I just wanted to say 'goodbye' in a meaningful way...I can't thank the fans enough - all the comments, the tributes, the dedication - you guys really are awesome.I've learned a lot, and I hope some of you have too. It's been fun along the way. If I could leave just one idea - it would be this:We are all part of this world, so let's respect one another. If you gotta be sayin something, say it nice. Don't let the haters stand in your way. I didn't. True!
I'm off to new and brighter things. Thankyou YouTube for creating the platform we can all dive off.
Keep your chin up Always Thaniel (aka MadV)
Remember, remember, the first of November *ahaks*, gunpowder treason and plot.I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent to blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below, Poor old England to overthrow: By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! Hip hip hoorah!
A penny loaf to feed the Pope. A farthing o' cheese to choke him. A pint of beer to rinse it down. A faggot of sticks to burn him. Burn him in a tub of tar. Burn him like a blazing star. Burn his body from his head. Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead. Hip hip hoorah! Hip hip hoorah!
You are 22.22% jealous! For this test, the average jealousy percentage is 35.54%. 520072 people have taken this test to date.
This percentage means that : •You have very few jealous traits. •You rarely over-react and have a handle on the severity of situations. •Whatever jealous attributes you do have will not present a problem in relationships, and will sometimes help.
Muahaha.Guess i'm cured :-p
Now here's another fun fact:
How computer addicted are you?
You are 46% addicted. You are more addicted than 33% of other users
Addicted You're addicted, but there's still hope. Instead of looking at a wallpaper background of a sunny blue sky, you still might have enough energy to use those legs and take a few steps to go outside! Your computer is one of your best friends by default, since you spend almost as much time with it as you do your flesh-and-blood frie nds. Despite all the hours you log in, your friends and family manage to peel you off your computer chair once in a while.
I was just about to post this 3 cool videos,when suddenly there's a flash of light outside my window.
It's better be a shooting star,coz its 4 am right now,the light ist off,and there's no stars outside.Total darkness everywhere (except my monitor of coz ^^).
But again,UFO's would be kindda interesting for my dusty camcoder :)
So here are the 3 vids.3njoy y@LL!!
Edit:I've just finished watching V for Vendetta ^^.V ist so flakking cool!!
Here's a litte sumthing sumthing 4 y@LL sushi L0v3rz:
Tinjauan KOSMO! kelmarin mendapati, animasi seks yang lebih popular dengan panggilan Anime dijual secara berleluasa dengan harga RM15 sekeping. [...]
Selain memaparkan animasi alat sulit lelaki dan wanita dengan jelas, Anime turut menggayakan teknik seks berbeza seperti meliwat, rogol, seks berkumpulan dan seks oral.
Walaupun Anime telah lama berada di pasaran, keupayaan teknologi komputer berjaya membawa unsur ghairah baru termasuk pergerakan alat sulit dan suara ghairah ketika aksi ranjang sebenar. [...]
Tambahnya, Anime lebih digemari golongan pelajar memandangkan ia dijual secara terbuka selain keseronokan yang mengghairahkan.
Artikel tersebut telah memberi tamparan hebat kepada peminat anime seluruh Malaysia, menyebabkan beberapa komuniti Anime Malaysia seperti, LowYat.Net, GempakStarz telah kecewa dan telah memberi respon seperti menghantar surat, serta cuba menerangkan maksud sebenar anime kepada beliau. Walaubagaimanapun, wartawan tersebut tidak melayan kerenah mereka, malah kata-kata beliau(petikan kata-kata beliau ada disebut dalam topik ini) menyebabkan para peminat Anime naik darah.
Isu ini menjadi semakin hangat di kalangan komuniti Anime di Malaysia ini. Kebodohan wartawan tersebut telah menaikkan marah kita sebagai peminat Anime, dan segala perkembangan baru akan diteruskan dalam topik ini.
PS: Saya dimaklumkan seorang wartawan akhbar The Star yg meminati anime sedang Bertungkus-Lumus mengumpul maklumat untuk menjernihkan keadaan! Nantikan keluaran hari ahad
QUOTE(Royce @ Unknown 2006, XXX hour)
You won't believe how riled up I was when I first read it. I went berserk because I'm a huge anime fan. And as a journalist, as much as passion should be one of our traits, objectivity must still be maintained. It was very difficult for me to see in myself if I was being too emotional or was I correct to judge that person's story as being totally inaccurate.
But that said, I was so pissed and felt I was so right that I called a friend I had in that newspaper and managed to speak to the writer. We immediately argued the moment I tried to clarify the difference between anime and hentai.
He said, I quote: "You are wrong, you are wrong. That's the end of this conversation."
Not being happy with that, I shot off a furious email to, and hence it was published.
Regardless, I'm working on a story now to set the record straight and probably a feature piece later on to introduce the world of ANIME properly.
Thanks so much for your comments however. Keep in touch
Hoho,dunno why but its kindda funny.There's a mix of Nasyid + Technocrap.Just try not to puke afterwards. ^^
Baby, du bist die, von der ich immer geträumt hab, Deine Lippen schmecken mir wie Eis im hitzigen Sonntag, (Your lips taste like ice on a hot Sunday. OMG) Hör gut zu, weil ich dir sag, dass du die Welt für misch bist, Wenn du nicht mehr hier bist, dann hält misch hier nichts.
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick, Dein Respekt ist für misch so groß unersetzlich, Wir liefen Hand in Hand Am großen Meeresstrand.
Girl, du bist die, die ich brauch und begehre, Neben dir fühl ich misch, als wenn ich nichts wäre, Und wenn du jetzt glaubst, das alles hieße nichts, Dann hast du falsch geglaubt, denn Girl ich liebe dich.
(Refrain:) Wo bist du, mein Sonnenlicht? Ich suche dich und vermisse dich. Ich respektier nur dich, Damit du's weißt: Ich liebe dich.
Ich vermisse deinen Atem, der misch zart berührt, der mein Herz verführt. Ganz egal, was auch passiert, Ich hol dir den Himmel mit Sternenstaub glasiert.
Du bist das Ende vom Regenbogen, werte das Glück von den Engel holen. Ich kann ohne dich nicht sein, Wir müssen uns wieder vereinen.
(Es folgt 4 x der Refrain: "Wo bist du, mein Sonnenlicht?...") Baby, wo bist du? Du bist mein Sonnenlicht. Ich suche dich und vermisse dich, Baby. Schatz, ich respektier nur dich. Damit du's weißt: Ich liebe dich, Baby. Ich liebe dich.