Sunday, October 16, 2005

Gol & Gincu

Putri².alahai bebdk ni pon.rasa nk cubit je sesekor.

damn.i really hate this kind of muvi.mess with ma head.*sigh*.i really need to go out get some fresh air sometimes.

guys go watch this muvi while its still ass-hot.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


This just come through my eyes a few minutes ago.Don't know exactly how to describe it .At first rasa cam dokumentary-suspen gitu.Bile lelame tgk rasa cam each one of them have their own script,like everythiny was an acting.Last² bile dah abis tgk rasa cam meluat lak ngan the one yg dok asyik isap rokok cam isap lollipop tu.

Well i'll leave it for u guys to judge.


And this come just after berbuke.Thank God dah mkn.Ada sikit tenaga nk gelak².Enjoy.

MusicVideo1, MusicVideo2.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Verdamnt nochma.Bad flooble chatterbox id?I guess i really need to update this he-bxtch.

Just when i was looking forward to a-laid-back-farming-session in Blasted Land.*sob* (WoW related,juz ignore it.)

Biss dann kumpel,chow.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

:: Belajar Dialek Kelantan ::

OKla,1300 viewers!! That's mean something!Hehe.And here's something to ponder around.

Ada cerita di sebuah sekolah rendah di luarKelate yg guru besarnya orang Kelate. Satu hari budak-budak ternampak ular. Jadi kata cikgu,"cepat-cepat lah katok". Budak-budak pun heran dan jawab balik, "bukan katak cikgu, tapi ular."Hmmmm konpius... Katok =pukul, balun,hentam

Vocabulary :
Bokbong - spesis musang

Ttuyup - pepatung
Pok Kor - spesis mengkarung
Ike Kkhonge - ikan cencaru
Gelenyar,Gletah = mengenyam, getik
Saksoba = Absorber
Supik Gelenyar - plastik bag (yang nipis tu.)
Buah Topoh = buah epal (diambil drperkataan Arab "tuffah" = epal)
Gaduh, bbaloh = kelahi
Ggaduh = nak cepat (double `G' meanssabdu)
Saka = gula (sekarang sudah jarangdigunakan oleh generasi baru)
Bekwoh = kenduri (mungkin berasal dari bigwork)
Tohok = buang
Ghohok = susah, payah
SIAK DUK GGOBAR = Jangan risau.. Don'tworry,be happy!!!
WAK GGOGHI = Bagi memulakan sesuatu.. tostart with.
DEKPONG GAK EH = Kalau ya pun
Jjughuh = baik (jjughuh budok tu = baik budaktu)
Kelaghing = kesat/not smooth (kulit kelaghing=skin not smooth enough)

Kelantan + English?? = "Kelantalish"
Contoh:POZEK (deposit),
RIZAT (1.result 2. reserved),
NNEJA (manager),
ISTEK (estate),
SUWIH (switch),
MERKET (market), dll...

Kata penguat dlm bahaso Klate pun bolehtahan menarik:
pahit LLEPE
tawar EBER
putih SSUEH
hite LLEGE
biru KKETU
kuning NNEHE
comel LLOTE
gemuk DDEBOK
busuk BANGA
hapok KOHONG

Ada beberapa "bunga bahasa" dalam loghatkelantan yang unik..

Antaranya:YAK = lebih kurang "opocot!!!" atau "oops!!"
DEH? = memohon restu atau persetujuan...lebih kurang "OK?",
GAK = lebih kurang "habis tu.." atau "so.."
PAH? = lebih kurang "GAK"HO(bunyi naik ke hidung sikit ) = "ya lah.."atau "yes"
DOCK? = lebih kurang "bu(kan)?", "betul tak?"atau "isn't it?"

Seperkara lagi, ada diantara perkataan dalam penggunaan biasa loghat Kelantan di anggapTABOO dalam loghat yang lain,atau sekurang-kurangnya tak manis didengar pengertiannya di dalam loghat tempat lain...
Yang popular digunakan antaranya:

CEBOCK : kita maksudkan 'cedok', selalunya untuk cecair, mencedok air. Banyak tempat sebelah pantai barat membawa maksud"basuh b***k" (istinja).
PPATAK : kita maksudkan 'paling bawah'.Mencarut bagi mereka...
JEBUR : kita maksudkan 'botol' (kurang popular sebenarnya, tapi org tua-tua masih guna perkataan ni...) Kalau silap dengar, lain maksudnya.
KOTER : kita maksudkan "kelapa tua yang kering tak berair" (ingat slogan CAWATKOTE?) di kebanyakan tempat, ianya mencarut juga!!
TTINO : kita maksudkan 'perempuan' tapi bila sebut BETINA, ramai yang marah.(begitu jugaJATE...)
AIR TUAK : kita minum di bulan puasa, buat berbuka!!! Bagi orang luar, TUAK adalah Haram(sama taraf dengan TODI & ARAK...)Yang fresh & manis tu dipanggil NIRA.
NNATE : kadangkala "simbol" kemesraan antara kawan...cuba direct translate jadi BINATANG...Boleh bergaduh nanti...
SUKU SAKAT : bagi kita,bermaksud "tidak kena mengena", bagi org KL, ia bermaksud"kaum kerabat" contradict betul!!!

Akhir sekali, peranan "SABDU" dalam loghat Kelantan. Begitu besar dan boleh membezakan langit dengan bumi.Sekadar contoh,Tanpa 'sabdu' orang boleh patah gigi keranaMAKAN KANTIN, sepatutnya disebut MAKEKKETENG (eating at the canteen)!!!Atau salah faham antara TAK PAKAI (notwearing) dengan TOK PPAKA (useless).Atau keliru diantara KECEK (tipu) denganKKECEK (bercakap)Dan diantara SANGKUT(gantung) denganSSAKUK (hajat tak kesampaian)

***OKies,selamat study kengkawan.Got this one from dinbiso.

Update jangan x update bang.

Blame it all on this game ->

Non flash version ->

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


A group of girlfriends go on vacation and they see
a five-story hotel with a sign that reads "For
Women Only." Since they are without their
boyfriends, they decide to go in.

The bouncer, a very attractive guy, explains to
them how it works. "We have five floors. Go up
floor by floor, and once you find what you are
looking for, you can stay there. It's easy to
decide, since each floor has signs telling you
what's inside."

So they start going up, and on the first floor the
sign reads, "All the men here are horrible lovers,
but they are sensitive and kind." The friends
laugh and without hesitation, move on to the next

The sign on the second floor reads, "All the men
here are wonderful lovers, but they generally
treat women badly." This wasn't going to do, so
the friends move up to the third floor, where the
sign reads, "All the men here are great lovers and
sensitive to the needs of women."

This was good, but there were still two more

On the fourth floor, the sign was perfect. "All
the men here have perfect builds, are sensitive
and attentive to women, are perfect lovers, and
are single, rich and straight."

The women seem pleased but they decide that they
would rather see what the fifth floor has to offer
before they settle for the fourth.

When they reach the fifth floor, there is a sign
that reads, "There are no men here. This floor was
built only to prove that it is impossible to
please a woman."

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bleed Ur Ears

New songs added.Enjoy


Update: Radio Down.

Uhuk².Tipod².Huhu.Skali Alles-OK-Meter-Stand dah kuning da.Kena tukar webhosting lagi.Adoila.

Grün bedeutet: Alles okay, je weiter der Balken in Richtung rot wandert, desto mehr ist Ihr Account in Gefahr! Um die Bewertung auf dem Tripod Alles-OK-Meter zu verbessern sollten Sie folgende Regelungen beachten:

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Wir empfehlen daher, die Dateien wie Bilder und downloadbare Dateien zu optimieren. Dadurch helfen Sie mit, die Geschwindigkeit des Seitenaufbaus für alle zu verbessern.

Webseiten, die zu viel Transfervolumen verbrauchen, verlieren Punkte. Webseiten mit massiven Downloads von Dateien bezogen auf die Anzahl der Seitenabrufe verlieren ebenfalls Punkte.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A little Notice from the friendly FBI

This blog will be confiscated till mid Feb.

All copyright work will be subjugated under BGB (Bundesgesetzbuch) paragraph 90a [Tiere] Tiere sind keine Sachen.Sie werden durch besondere Gesetze geschützt.Auf sie sind die für geltenden Vorschriften entsprechend anzuwenden,soweit nicht etwas anderes bestimmt ist.

*huhu..skali aku mengarut da..sori maa..exam RECHT1 aritu..haha*

Marilah kita studi.Hoho.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Enjoy this one.

Enjoy this game.

Bile dah penat enjoy...kena la studi lak.Huhu,byk la pulak paper kali ni *mcm byk je sblm ni*.Anyway,here's another flash movie,dedicated to the girl studying on the desk below. *wink wink*

~Currently listening to Mally Goeslow - Jika.mp3 on SonyEric K700i~

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Petals Around The Rose


  1. Press the "Roll" button to get started.
  2. Enter how many petals you think are around the rose.
  3. Press the "Check" button to check your answer.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you can get it right every time!
  5. Once you have figured it out, don't spoil the fun for others...let them figure it out for themselves!
Credit: Petals Around The Rose


Huhu..tula rakan².Kalau bawak keta tu,alang² 99 bwk je 200 terus...mcm si irfan or cong.Biar blizt tu record gambar asap je.Damn!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Horoscope & Co.

Am i so into this shit?I guess not..but 90% seems to comment?..(no registration needed for that :) ).

Your positive traits:

You're red hot passion makes anyone you date feel extremely wanted.
Loyalty , to the point of doing anything *huhu* to protect your lover.
You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily *ntahla* draw people in.

Your negative traits:

You tend to be paranoid and think that the worst is going on with your lover *ouch*.
You turn cold and mean at the first sign of conflict in relationship.
You sometimes become obsessed with dates - so much so that you develop jealousy early on *uh-oh*.

Your ideal partner:

Someone who will take the time to win you over. Not an easy task!
Is able to keep up with your carnal appetite... lots of stamina needed.*hahahahahaha*
Reassures you of their love and loyalty on a daily basis.

Your dating style:

Intense. You prefer to stay in *hmm* with take out and conversation - so that no one else is distracting you and your date.

Your seduction style:

Hot. New partners have trouble believing that your libido is for real.
You have incredible sexual intuition *wink wink*- you always know what your lover craves.
A bit bossy. You know what you want, and you certainly aren't afraid to ask for it.

Tips for the future:

Don't be so secretive with your love - they want you the way you are.
Let go of your jealousy. Your partner has chosen *you*.
Spend more time alone, doing things you love. It will help you be less obsessive.

Best color to attract mate: Dark red

Best day for a date: Tuesday

Get your free love profile at Blogthings.

There's another one too..but its too i paste it . Got this one from Faie.

Is your birthday day 1 of the month?

Your Life

You are very curious and dedicative. When you are interested in something,
everything else has to wait. This is your quality. But if you learn to be
more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in

Your Love

You believe in love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the
person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance
to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or
hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your _____ expression. Try not to
end a relationship in a quarrel.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Hari ni blaja sikit pasal php and music streaming....dedicated to a cute-mashimaro-landessiegerin-type-of-girl once so dear to me (coz she like music,n there's no other reason..hehe).Hasilnya -> ... (ada kat sidebar nu).

Use the volume if its too loud.And there's pause n crossfader too. :) .Best viewed with Bittorent off...and stop dling prOn,the radio is kindda music streaming,lol.


Saturday, January 01, 2005

Hepi new year!

Di sebalik kemeriahan di mlm yg indah permai,sorak senyum kanak² riang bingen,diselangi gelak tawa nguah³ judin,langit villa bingerbruck dipenuhi warna warni,mercun² roket melintasi nusantara bagaikan pelangi senja,tidak kusedari...kontoubersicht ku jua yg dicemari noda noda merah,menandakan 100€ akan ditolak seawal pagi esok.huhu...

Shelaka tol la german nya blizt trap...ingatkan kena 30€ je..padahal bawak keta ari takla laju sgt.90 km/h...lebey 30 je dr limit..huhu..nantikan la flash haru adegan² cemas blizt trap di post akan dtg.

Surah Ar-Ra’d (13 : Ayat 28 )

  Mengingati Allah Hati Menjadi Tenang Surah 13 Ayat 28 dalam Al Quran: Banyak Zikir, Hidup Tenang