Saturday, August 26, 2006


such a lonely day.and it's mine.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.should be's a day that I can't stand.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.shouldn't's a day that I'll never miss.such a lonely day.and it's mine.the most loneliest day of my life.and if you go.i wanna go with you.and if you die.i wanna die with you.take your hand.and walk away.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.the most loneliest day of my life.such a lonely day.and it's's a day that I'm glad I survived.


when every single being on earth call u abang,u know ur growing that more more naruto,or shinchan *sob sob*.

me : bang,bas 212 dah lepas ke?
bus driver : oh ada kat blakang nu bang...

me : td bayar bape inggit ek?
parking boy : oh abang bayar lebey singgit td......

me : midvalley pegi balik ek.
cashier : ada 20 sen bang?

hawker : nasi putih ke nasi lemak bang?
me : *me want nasi remaja muda mudi sob sob sob*

housemate : abg shahril,pau megi satu ek...
me : *waarrrrrgh....*

me : *sitting n holding harian metro titled mawi dan ina blabla*
aweks2 standing n gossiping in commuter : ...nk pinjam paper xleh..kang pinjam abang tu lain lak jadi nye...

huhu me want sushi again.where art thou?

btw congrats to all who just got married.including khairul.hepi honeymoon guys.

Surah Ar-Ra’d (13 : Ayat 28 )

  Mengingati Allah Hati Menjadi Tenang Surah 13 Ayat 28 dalam Al Quran: Banyak Zikir, Hidup Tenang